Vanderbloemen Search Group

Houston, TX

Vanderbloemen Search Group is a Houston-based church staffing and consulting group with national reach. The goal of their relocation was to accommodate their existing staff, provide for future growth, and to provide a unique environment that reflects their aesthetic, workstyle, and values. Their unique program required an emphasis on large, open, collaborative work area with accompanying break-out areas where small search-group teams could discuss candidates. A series of six call-rooms were built to allow for private phone conversations and quiet individual work. Another critical part of the program were casual interview rooms with lounge style seating, in which a team member could meet with a potential staffing candidate for conversational interviews. Vadnerbloemen required a large boardroom that could accommodate all-hands staff meetings and could easily be converted into a multi-purpose room for training and hosting group work. A focal point of the office is the open-plan café, occupying a prime corner location. The café helps facilitate the social interaction that is essential to the core values of Vanderbloemen Search Group. This lounge is a bright and inviting spot in the office where the staff can gather to work individually or in small groups.


Zachry Group


Origin Bank